K3 Class

The K3 class is Kindergarten for 3-year-olds. Our K3 program embraces a world of learning through age-appropriate experiences, encouraging independence and self-confidence. Our students are learning a letter of the week, upper and lower case, the sound, and the differences between a consonant and a vowel. Poetry, writing skills, directional drawing and same/opposite, are introduced. Students are learning basic math skills to include shapes, patterns, spatial concepts, sorting, and counting to 100 by 1’s, 5’s, and 10’s. Students achieve individual, parallel and cooperative play with others. Geography and Science are explored through hands-on activities such as recycling art, binocular walks, and diverse culture and customs awareness. Motor skill activities include tracing, scissors, puzzles, blocks and riding tricycles. Every morning our K3 gather for Bible story time, singing, prayer, and Pledge of Allegiance before breaking to their classrooms.

Our little K3 children enjoy running and playing once every morning, after lunch, and after nap in the afternoons. There are times in the afternoons for siblings to see and play together.